Media Institutions
A media institution is a part of the media that has a big influence on peoples lives. These can come in the form of newspapers, films, the internet, music and broadcasts on the radio or TV. The owners of these institutions have therefore have a lot more power and control over what people think everyday.

Some media institutions are the BBC, BskyB, CNN, Bauer, PC Media and Future. These are all institutions because they influence peoples lives everyday.

Famous film institutions include: Warner Brothers Studios, Walt Disney, Paramount Studios, Universal studios, and DreamWorks studios.
Conglomerate companies are that own many institutions on different levels. Examples are Warner Brother Studios and News Corp. These companies have a lot of control over what the media thinks. The reason they have so much control is because they reach out top audiences over different forms of media. This allows then to reach out a larger audience, and therefore have control over a larger audience so influence more people.

Revise your definition of a media institution - you could add a wiki link or go to a media website for help - what you have written isn't quite there (for first para).