Sub Genres are identifiable sub classes, almost like a sub heading, within a larger film genre, with their own distinctive subject matter, style, formulas and iconography. It can also be seen as a genre within a genre or sub category.
Political thrillers,
Espionage, (Spy films)
Action adventure Sub genres include:In the case of
Martial art films,
Races against time
Eddie Murphy |
Action is a genre that has many sub genres. One of the sub genres is
action comedy. The first action comedies dates back to the 1930's in the film 'Swashbuckler'. However, the sub genre did not really take off until the 1980's when stars like Eddie Murphy entered on the scene. The action of 'Fast and Furious' is mostly lighthearted with very little death or serious injury, making it a action comedy film. The buddy film is another example of a action comedy when
pairing odd couples in dangerous situations. Another sub genre of action is action thrillers. Featuring guns, cool explosions, and amazing set pieces, this movie type was first made in the 1970s in such films as Dirty Harry and The French Connection and became the example of the Hollywood mega-blockbuster in the 1980s in such works as Die Hard and Lethal Weapon. These films often feature a race against time, lots of violence and a clear evil person. Though they may involve elements of crime or mystery films, those aspects take a back seat to the action. Other significant works include Speed.
Finally, another sub genre of action is action science -fiction.Sharing many of the conventions of the science fiction film, sci-fi action films emphasize gun fights, space battles, and invented weaponry. Through the Terminator films, Arnold Schwartznegger became the most visible hero of the genre, and James Cameron it's main film director. In both The Terminator and Terminator 2, as well as Aliens, his focus was on the often brutal violence that could be inflicted with futuristic weaponry. Paul Verhoeven managed a more individualistic and satirical blend with action in his films RoboCop, Total Recall, and Starship Troopers, while they remained in the genre of the action. The sub genre was most popular in the late '80s and early '90s, for its response to the more violent but cooler future, as it changed to survive in the film industry.
Casino Royal spoof - (1967) |
Spy films also have sub genres, one of which is spy comedy.The rise of the Cold War and the success of the James Bond franchise spurred on the popularity for the production of a spy comedy film. Graham Green's script for 1960's Our Man in Havana served as an early version of this sub genre, even if its failure at the box office didn't exactly inspire other film makers to follow suit. Instead, the film re-makes of Ian Fleming's popular James Bond novels, Casino Royale (1967), a spoof in which Agent 007 only reluctantly agrees to bed women and save the world. Similar films and television series followed, but the type would enjoy much greater success with the absurd, gag-laden Austin Powers comedies, created by and starring comedian Mike Meyers.
Rambo - popular war adventure film, in the 1980's |
Finally, the adventure film genre also has a sub genre of war adventure. An adventure film using the battles of a war (usually World War II) as either a setting or a starting point for the action. The most title category of this film is the "men-on-a-mission", in which a group of soldiers must work together to complete a mission crucial to the victory of the battle. Films like The Dirty Dozen, Kelly's Heroes, and The Guns Of Navarone portrayed these soldiers as tough, no-nonsense men of action who put aside their differences to get the job done. Though the subgenre had its most active period in the '60s and '70s, the war adventure returns periodically the Rambo series of the 1980s.
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