- Firstly 5 people are shot dead by a elite sniper who has left the army.
- Police evntually arrive on the scene and start to investigate, and eventually interrogate a man named James Barr
- Barr then tells the detectives to talk to Jack Reacher.
- Reacher soon shows up on the scene and begins gathering clues with the aid of talented defense attorney Helen Rodin, the daughter of the DA.
- Meanwhile, when Reacher is assaulted in a local bar, he correctly thinks that someone is determined to interupt his investigation..
- His suspicion plays out when he becomes the prime suspect in the murder of a young woman shortly after. Now, with the police closing in from one side and a gang of ruthless killers gaining ground on the other, Reacher must use his formidable detective skills in order to catch the gunman
- Then his heroin (Helen) gets caputred by her father, who is actually a villain
- Reacher then enters a shooting range where he finds out more information about the investigation from the shooting ranges owner, Cash.
- He puts his life in danger to go and rescue her, fighting Emerson (Helens father), who Reacher eventually shoots and saves Helen.
- Helen then tells Barr that she has enough evidence to prove Barr innocent from shooting the 5 people. which was shown at the beginning and that it was Emerson who actually killed the 5 people. All thanks to Jack Reacher.
- Jack Reacher finds out about the shootings in the beginning of the film, when he sees the shootings on a news report at the start of the film.
- Helen finds out about the shootings when she is told about the story when she becomes a lawyer for James Barr, (the suspected killer).
- James Barr finds out about the shootings at the very start of the film, as he is the original suspect of the shootings. But, towards the end, he finds out that he is not guilty of the crime.
The plot is what keeps the audience intrested on what is going to happen during the film, like in 'Jack Reacher', we don't know that James Barr is innocent and Emerson is guilty, until the very end of the film.
The Narrator is also a key part of a film because, when we discover who is telling the story, our point of view among characters can change, and the narrator also holds vital answers to questions that the audience whats to know. However the narrator will always:
- reveal the events which make up the story
- consider those events for the audience
- sum up those events for the audience
- The narrator also tends to position the audience into a particular relationship with the characters on the screen.
"...the most important is the plot, the ordering of the incidents; for tragedy is a representation, not of men, but of action and life, of happiness and unhappiness - and happiness and unhappiness are bound up with action. ...it is their characters indeed, that make men what they are, but it is by reason of their actions that they are happy or the reverse."