Wednesday 12 March 2014

Evaulation Question 6 - In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge form conventions of real media products?

This is a link to the prezi encase it does not work -

This Prezi shows how my meida product uses, develops and challenges form conventions of real media products. One of the key points is that the characters in our opening title sequence is that the mise en scene used in the sequence is a typical representation of certain social groups. For example, the assassain is wearing black clothes. this portrays death and danger, which is a common theme for dangerous people in society and criminal groups.

Another point that you can pick up on is that are sequence is set in a town. This is keeping within the conventions thriller films because  you would expect a action thriller such as ours, to be located in a typically standard area, as the criminals would want to located in a location that the police would not expect to find them.

You could also say that we have developed the conventions of thriller products in our opening title sequence by the selection of the name of our sequence 'Vindicate'. The word means to clear someone or something of accusations, blame or suspicion. This is developing on the conventions of thriller films because it creates enigma where you would not expect to find it, creating an unexpected sense of enigma for the audience.

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