Thursday 13 March 2014

Evaluation Question 7- What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

This slideshare covers all the potential distribution companies that I could chose to distribute my media product. Overall I decided I would have Lionsgate distribute my media product as they specialize in distributing thriller films.

Wednesday 12 March 2014

Evaulation Question 6 - In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge form conventions of real media products?

This is a link to the prezi encase it does not work -

This Prezi shows how my meida product uses, develops and challenges form conventions of real media products. One of the key points is that the characters in our opening title sequence is that the mise en scene used in the sequence is a typical representation of certain social groups. For example, the assassain is wearing black clothes. this portrays death and danger, which is a common theme for dangerous people in society and criminal groups.

Another point that you can pick up on is that are sequence is set in a town. This is keeping within the conventions thriller films because  you would expect a action thriller such as ours, to be located in a typically standard area, as the criminals would want to located in a location that the police would not expect to find them.

You could also say that we have developed the conventions of thriller products in our opening title sequence by the selection of the name of our sequence 'Vindicate'. The word means to clear someone or something of accusations, blame or suspicion. This is developing on the conventions of thriller films because it creates enigma where you would not expect to find it, creating an unexpected sense of enigma for the audience.

Tuesday 11 March 2014

Evaulation Question 5 - What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

This is my recreation of the Memento Opening title sequence, accompanied by a few screen shots of my preliminary task and my opening title sequence 'Vindicate'.

I have put these videos and images to highlight the ways in which I have used pieces of equipment to film each video. These include, an edit suite full of computers, with advanced editing software like Adobe After Effects and Premier Pro. I filmed the Memento recreation with a canon camcorder Legria and then I progressed onto using the 700D camera for the final opening sequence, which enabled me to change lenses, alter focus, change the aperture, ASA rating and exposure of my shots. This therefore made the final opening title sequence look a lot more advanced in the progression from preliminary task to memento exercise to final opening seuqence. I also used a 700D camera, tri-pods, and particular types of lighting, to film the media product. By becoming more competent in these areas, it is clear to see how the quality of each piece of work has improved over time. In the preliminary task, there was very few editing techniques used, and we were only just getting to know how to film a few editing techniques like match on action, and shot reverse shot. While in the opening title sequence, there is a range of editing techniques used such as a fade transition, parallel editing,  fast and slow paced cuts, along with a variety of camera shot types including low angle shots, reaction shots, medium shots, long shots and point of view shots.

I also incorporated sound into my opening title sequence. We did a sound workshop, in order to make sure that the sequence had a multi layered sound track, in order for it to feel more realistic and dramatic. We used a range of equipment to record sound, including microphones, and many more pieces of equipment in order to create particular sounds like foot steps and doors shutting. I used the school blogger website and the KLS Media  twitter apge to aid my progress towards the sequence.
I also used ICT software such as Photoshop to create a production company title, Skype to have a phone call with a BAFTA nominated editor, Michael Harrowes. The phone call with the editor was extremely use full as he told me that you should not be afraid to cut to cut a lot of film away from a film, as long as it created the correct atmosphere through its pace. We incorporated this in our opening title sequence by ensuring that we had a large quantity of fast paced cuts to create a feeling of urgency and anxiousness. I also conducted a larger amount of my time into research as development on online websites like Pinterest, Prezi and Youtube. I used Youtube and Pinterest to look at what other people had done for their opening title sequence, and to see where they had made mistakes, to avoid making them ourselves. Furthermore, I put the sequence  on Facebook to receive feedback on what people thought of my opening title sequence, and how they thought that I could improve my opening title sequence for the final piece.

Tuesday 4 March 2014

Evaluation Question 4- Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

The best way to navigate this website (Linoit), is to put your mouse on the post and scroll around. There is a map located in the bottom left corner of the post, which will tell you where you are on the post. From there you should be able to see where all the text boxes, videos and images are, and find out what they are displaying.

As you can see, the key elements that we have been  able to improve upon how we film certain shots, like a shot reverse shot, low shots, high shots, long shots, panning shots and match on action, from the preliminary task, to the final opening title sequence. This highlights how important it was to do the preliminary task because without it, we would of had great difficulty in learning where to position the camera in order to generate a particular shot, to create an effect on the audience.

Furthermore, we have also learnt how adding different editing transitions improves the quality of the shots. This is because, the preliminary task consisted of simple hard cuts, to switch from one shot to another, while in the final opening title sequence, we included some fade transitions. This made the final opening title sequence look better then the preliminary task as it looked more professionally edited which improved the quality of the film for the audience.

Monday 3 March 2014

Evaluation Question 3 - How does your media product represent particular social groups?

Visit Harry's profile on Pinterest.

As you can see from the pinterest, our media product represents a variety of different social groups. We thought this was important because it would attract a larger audience to come an view my media product. This is because, the greater the variety of social groups your opening sequence represents, the more people from different social groups will come and see the film. In our media product, we have represented police officers, in two different ways. This will attract those people who work as high ranked police officers to come and watch the seqeunce, along with those just starting out in the police force.

Evaluation Question 2 - How did you attract/address your audience?

How did you attract/address your audience? - slideshow

My group also conducted an audience feedback session with people who would be ideal for our target audience. We did this through letting them watch the final opening title sequence, and then asking them a few questions. The questions we asked them were: What genre do you think the opening title sequence was and why? What was good about the opening title sequence? What was bad about the opening title sequence? and Would you go to the cinema and watch this film?

We felt that these were good questions to ask the audience, as they would allow the audience to tell us what they liked about the film and more importantly, what they felt needed improving. this is thereby another way in which we were able to address our audience, and edit our sequence towards what they wanted to see.

Sunday 2 March 2014

Evaluation Question 1 - What would be the audience for your media products?

We suggested that are audience would be 18-24 year olds because we kept the psychographic rule of thrillers by inluding police agents. this attracts an audience of this age because they enjoy seeing films with guns and police officers as they suggest that their is some kind of action about to take place, which is what young people want to see. however, we have made our opening title sequence even more appealling by adding a twist, with the inclusion of an assassin. This goes against what young people expect to see, thereby making them more attracted to watching the sequence, to see what will happen.

Our sequence is also located in a city area. This suits are audience of 16 -25 year olds, as many young people of this age, live in built up areas, due to the location in which they were brought up or due to the fact that their local school, college or university is located in a similar area. This enables them to relate to the sequence better, due to its location.

18-24 year olds have also been selected to be the target audience for my media product because of the enigma involved throughout the sequence. Enigma is a common convention of thriller films which attracts young people to watch the film, due to their imagination and curiosity. This thereby makes them the ideal audience to view my media product due to the enigma throughout my opening title sequence, which fuels their curiosity.

My group handed out a questionnaire to a variety of people after they viewed my groups opening title sequence, This aided us in determining our target audience.

